Thursday, July 29, 2010

Work in Progress

I'm so excited about this bad boy. Worked on him for about an hour and 45 last night while watching Futurama re-runs. Jesse was playing Star Craft 2 next to me and I started thinking about how amazing gaming graphics are...truly amazing. So it dawned on me to use that as a reference point.

After rifling around in the office I found this big ass book "Art of World of Warcraft" that came with Jess' Lich King X pack and spent the next hour flipping through and marking pages that I'd want to come back to.

I started with this guy, though I probably shouldn't have, because it was really late and he is so detailed...but I love the way you can tell hes striding across some battlefield.

I really wanted to nail the way his left arm is swinging back and his torso is twisted away from the leg he is stepping forward with, and the fact that the wind is at his back so his hair and his cape (camera phone is too small to get the cape in the frame, ha) are swirling around his body.

So far, I am really really pleased, it was a lot of fun. The different shapes, slopes and angles and symmetry involved in this piece were sooo satisfying to draw, like, someone is scratching my back, satisfying. My hand felt happy making the lines!

I started getting the detail and the shading done in the upper left corner of his armor, but I got tired at that point and I didn't want to risk getting sloppy so I put him away.

I'll post more when I finish it off.

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